Survival: Enhanced!

Survival: Enhanced!


This mod has been DISCONTINUED.
Sequel project here! Check it out:

Due to problems with my old device i made the mod on, the files were deleted and i no longer have the ability to update the mod.
There will be no ports, there won't be any updates, and i'll be working on a much more high-effort project here soon. Stay tuned!

It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you use the Just Enough Items mod with this mod. If you don't it will be extremely challenging to figure out the recipes! Download the mod here:

As the summary points out, this mod is planning to be a huge expansion on survival mode, adding in a ton of new survival-mode content, some building-friendly additions, and more.

This mod was made using MCreator. It is for Forge 1.15.2 and will not be backported.

This mod adds:
A bunch of new materials,
4 new toolsets,
1 new armor set,
10+ new food items,
a new ranged weapon,
4 new melee weapon types,
several new blocks,
10+ new enemies,
a lot of dimensions,
quite a few new biomes,
a miniboss,
and a new compression system for gold.

Modpack users, you may use this mod in your modpack, but please credit.