Survival Inc.

Survival Inc.


Survival Inc. Logo Tired of the all-same routine every day? Do you want something more... let's say, special? Wait no more! Survival Inc. corporation, in association with Steve&Steve industries, is pleased to present you the newest product in our line!


Survival Inc. mod is a mod focusing on providing generic survival related stats, such as body heat, hydration, and mental sanity. This mod is mainly focused to make minecraft a little more challenging, even at late game. All this awesomeness comes thanks to our cooperation with Klein Enterprises' "Don't Die-because-you-forgot-to-eat" game. Therefore, all stats in this mod are at least a little bit influenced by the ones present in their game. And it was totally not a business espionage, our staff assures you.

Some shady details

This mod is, in fact, a continuation (or revival) of SchopCraft, a mod by Schoperation. In fact, the code was forked from his repository on Github, but it was heavily modified since then to the extent that you can hardly find an unmodified line. Be sure to also check up on Schoperation. He is a very cool guy :)

About bugs/issues/feature requests

Have you found any bug or issue with this mod? Do you have a specific feature request? Well, ...

Please do NOT use the comment section on curseforge for reporting bugs/issues/feature requests!

I am not that type of person to send you away for it, but just so you know that by posting your issue here, you're making it 80% harder to resolve for me, since I usually need to communicate with you. So, use the "issues" tab on the curseforge page instead. This button will take you to the github issue page. If you don't have an accound there, create one. You can report whatever concerns you about the mod there. As a general rule of thumb, use the comment section only for reviewing the mod as whole, sharing your experiences, pointing out the things you like/hate etc. Again, so more people spot it:

Please do NOT use the comment section on curseforge for reporting bugs/issues/feature requests!


Survival Inc. provides 6 game mechanics: Heat, Hydration, Sanity, Wetness, Seasons and Ghost mode. Each of these features is implemented as modules, and can therefore work independently of the others. However, it's really impractical to keep this page in sync with the official wiki (especially considering curseforge's weird formatting). So, if you want to see the features in detail, head over there.

Legal stuff (Jokes Aside)

The name of the project is a unique name made up by Enginecrafter77. The name was chosen for the survival nature of the mod's influence on the main game. Any possible match with a real company bearing name "Survival Inc.", or a similar-enough name is purely coincidental, and certainly not intended to break trademark law or any other existing laws readily available to be misused by greedy capitalists.


Special Thanks to the following people (for contributing a noticeable proportions of the mod): * Schoperation for the original mod * cyberpunkbln for the NBT canteen rework * APengu for Russian and Ukrainian translations * 1_Cavman for a new sanity icon * Minecraft forge team for making this possible