!!NOTICE!!: I have decided to abandon Minecraft in favor of the FOSS Minetest (https://www.minetest.net). As such, this project will no longer be maintained or developed.
Command Blocks now made avalible and usable in a survival world near you!
This mod (for Minecraft 1.20.2) makes command blocks craftable, placeable, editable, and destroyable by players in survival mode, regardless of whether they are an operator.
Note: all players will recieve suggestions and auto-completion for all commands on the server, but can only execute them if they are opped or are using a command block.
They can be crafted with 4 iron ingots, a redstone block, and 4 blocks of either andesite, granite, or diorite for their respective command block (can also used polished variants, and of course you can switch the type of a command block in it's GUI.) View the screenshots for more information.
It is mainly intended to allow a survival playthrough with access to command blocks similiar to Toy Box (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGyo0_Pda1ECwOAM2QwCLxU-L2uW_JtpJ) / Survival Commanders (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaURolsKD_VEQ_W22mpaXYRZLWHC5bJpV), a series by SimplySarc and Zedaph, and Survival Commander (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaURolsKD_VGoVCadwVdGqAdlWnTwoBdr) by Zedaph. The idea is that you can use them to create mechanisms, special effects, etc., but without cheating anything in that you did not obtain yourself (i.e. no using /give or using /fill unless you've done something to pay for it, like permanetly setting aside the equivalent blocks being filled inside a chest.) Of course, play how you want ;).
Note: if used on a dedicated server, the users will still need to install the mod as well.
The recipes are all located under the following identifiers if you wish to change them using a datapack:
- Command Block -
- Chain Command Block -
- Repeating Command Block -
- Command Block Minecart -
You will need to use the Fabric Modloader (https://fabricmc.net/use/installer) to use this mod.
You will also need to install the following dependency(ies):
After that, grab a version from the releases tab (https://github.com/ona-li-toki-e-jan-Epiphany-tawa-mi/Survival-Command-Blocks/releases) and simply place it inside your mods folder.
Java 17 or higher is required.
First, follow these instructions on the Fabric Wiki to get the development enviroment setup: https://fabricmc.net/wiki/tutorial:setup
After that, run the following command inside the project directory:
./gradlew build
If on Windows instead of a POSIX system, run this instead:
gradlew.bat build
The complied jar file should appear in build/libs/.
Demonstration video:
- Updated to 1.20.2