Survivalist Lighting

Survivalist Lighting


This is a redo of my first mod, it makes lighting more of a limited resource by making torches burn out over time.


 - Torches are crafted unlit

 - They can be lit by right clicking fire, lit torches, or any configurable block

 - Every tick they have a small configurable chance to burn out

Mod Support:

 - Tinker's Construct: Optionally replaces stone torches with stone torches that burn out

 - Ore Dictionary: If and item registered as "fuelCoke" in the ore dictionary is present, the mod will add coal coke variants of the torches. Will also add coke versions of mod support torches (stone) if they are enabled.

If you have any mods you would like me to support, post it in the Mod's GitHub's issue section (Issues link). I plan to support candles from HarvestCraft and add lanterns.

MODPACKS: Yes. (That's why there's so many config options)

Tell me what you think in the comments or on GitHub!