Suscraft - Among us

Suscraft - Among us


Important: this mod will be discontinued, so don't expect new updates in the future

This mods adds multiple new mobs, items, blocks and structures, the delevoping process is slowed down because of school, so please be patient!


The crewmates act like passive mobs and have 20 HP and 0 armor points, they will spawn in the not added Skeld map, Mira HQ and Polus planet. the crewmates won't attack or hunt any other mobs and will run from nearby impostors, currently there are 9 types of crewmates with the colours being: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Black, White, Purple, Orange and Cyan.


The impostors are agressive mobs with 20 HP, 0 armor points and 18 attack damage, one of them will also spawn in one of the among us structures there being one impostor in each structure, they look exacly like the normal crewmate with all the 9 colours but they will hunt and attack any crewmate or player they see, the impostor variant have the same colour that of the crewmate one with the impostor colous being: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Black, White, Purple, Orange and cyan.



The blocks added to the mod are the blocks from Skeld map and Mira HQ with Polus blocks still being a W.I.P, In total there are 9 floor variants and 9 wall variants, these blocks will be naturaly found in survival in their respective structure wich can be mined with a wooden pickaxe or higher.



There are three props you can find in the "props" creative tab, the props are still a W.I.P, some props are only for aesthetics and some have some use, an example is the emergency button, if the button is pressed all the players will be teleported to the person who pressed it, the current props are: Emergency button, Table, vent, download task, wires task, power diversion task, camera monitor, green box and chair


The structures planned to be on the mod are the among us maps, Skeld, Mira HQ and Polus, with the mod almost done i will worry about working on the airship map, but other than that, structures are not being worked on because of other things being worked on this mod, if i release this mod there will probably be no structures available to find in the world because it is still an ideia that came to my head.