


It adds petroleum, cell, and a minor change to desert temples. it also add a solar panel but it need a lever at its side. New feature: you can craft a organism!

The features of the mod:

- it adds a meteoroid

- it also has a recipe of a living organism

-it adds cell

-it adds Solar panel

- it adds wind energy poducer (not working without a lever)

- it adds a minor changes to the desert temple. such as more op loot.

- petroleum

if you download this md, you will get an amazing experience of petroleum and other resources. it adds a meteoroid which gives an amazing experience of real life meteor.

you can also get an experience of how solar energy works. you can join my discord at :

if you find any bugs, tell me at my discord. you can try my herobrine mod at: herobrine mod Minecraft Mod (

you can join my server and get its details at: Join my server. its 24/7 and free! for vanilla minecraft (

thank you