Star Worm Decor Mod

Star Worm Decor Mod


Decor stuff!

Star Worm Equestrian Mod is the parent mod. It is still in Phase 1 development and will continue to be for awhile longer. We planned on adding a lot of decoration items to Phase 2 but we simply didn't want to wait (Phase 2 completion looks like 2-4 years away). So, any decor blocks that are not specifically horsie will be in this mod and we plan to update this often as we make the resources for it. Not everything planned is in right now but will be as soon as possible. Watch for updates!

We all can build with pretty decor sooner! Enjoy!
Feel free to join our community at! There you can be a part of our development. <3

Note: This mod will remain decor only and plans to base solely off of vanilla mechanics with little deterrence.
Note: This mod is intended to be compatible with SWLM and SWEM, but all are stand-alone! One mod does not and will never require the other!
Note: Comments have been turned off because we are not accepting suggestions for content at this time.

Ownership and Direction // AlaharranHonor
Dev // Silverwolf (Primary), Legenden (As Needed)
Resources and Textures // SWE/M Texture and Model Art Teams