Swordsman Orgin - Fabric

Swordsman Orgin - Fabric

Adds more origins to the Origins mod
+ Slash
You slash the air around you, dealing damage to all entities in a 5 block radius
+ Sword Slam
You slam your sword into the ground creating a small explosion
+ Dash
You can dash out of any sticky situation
+ Special Sword
You spawn with a sword unique to you
+ Trained Stomach
You are immune to poisons
+ Fast Footed
You permanently have speed one
+ Reach
Your long sword reaches further
- No Shield
You reject the use of a shield
- Hungry
You lose hunger faster
- No Axe 
You hate axes, so they deal 90% less damage
- Protective Nature
You can't sleep. There are monsters to kill
- Dedicated
You can't use ranged weapons
- No Need
As a skilled swordsman, you don't need good armor (you can only wear chainmail or lower)
- Weaker Frame
You only have eight hearts