


Ever wanted to put your butt on a slab or stair?
Well you can't, but what you could do is download this mod and place that butt down on a Chair instead!
And maybe also add a Table in front with a flower or plate with some delicious food on! Well now you can!


Features of this mod:


  • Crafting: You need 7 x Planks/Stripped/Log and a Chair Back Part, and a Schematic.
  • Chairs can take be made from: Acacia, Birch, Dark Oak, Jungle, Oak, Spruce. For 1.16+ version these are added: Crimson and Warped.
  • If sneaking and placing a chair, it will place opposite from the normal placement.
  • If the player is sitting on a chair the player is locked in the direction of the chairs front. Only the head of the player will turn. Can't jump from chair to another chair. Sneak/Shift to leave the sitting position.
  • You can add a cushions to the Chair by just holding any colored wool and right click, the wool will not be used but only adds a state to the chair, remove by using Shears.

  • Crafting: 8 x Sticks and a Schematic.
  • To set a tables texture use: Wood Planks/Logs, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald, Redstone, and Lapis Blocks. For 1.16+ version these are added: Crimson Planks/Stem and Warped Planks/Stem, Netherite Block.
  • Only the basic table can take a texture.
  • You can remove the set texture of a table with the use of a Crowbar turning it back to basic table.
  • The table has no leg, it can float. But for a good photo add a fence :D
  • You can add a tablecloth to the Table by just holding any colored wool and right click, the wool will not be used but only adds a state to the table, remove by using Shears. 
  • There are extra tablecloths that can be made and you can rotate by holding a stick in you offhand and right click the table if it has one of them tablecloths added, remove by using Shears.
  • You can add any one block tall vanilla flower to the table with just right click with that flower in your hand, the flower will be put in a flower pot automatically. Toggle what type of pot/vase you want in config, and it works across servers. (client side)
  • You can add Plates to the table, one with a glass and one without. Just face the side you want it, and place it. Sneak + right click to remove from that side of the table.
  • If you want you can add any item or block to the Plate on a table, but Cooked Chicken will display a custom model which also can be toggled with the config. Sneak + right click to remove from that side of the table.
  • You can also place a cake on the Plate on a table, and change the date in the birthday config, so on your birthday candles will show if you have a cake on a plate. 
  • You can place a lantern on the table and it will light up the area. Sneak + right click to remove from that side of the table.

It has a bunch of different Chairs

Next BIG update 2.0 for 1.16.5:

  • The table work like I intended it to, with you "looking" where you want to add plates or other things and for removing just right-click. - Reworking how the table are coded, and rendered.
  • I might also change so if the table is broken it will still keep everything stored, so working in either creative or survival you easier can place them. - Still need to change how the item are being rendered etc.
  • Food on plates will not be removed from the plate to player-hand if you are sitting anymore, you eat the food and get the effect of it. - More features are still being added.
  • I might add a loom that you have to do some extensive work to get a tablecloth made or other things. - Still working on implementing it. 
  • Added a bunch of new items, like Spools that will work with the new loom. And a bunch other items for working with fabric. - Working on several mods so update is slow
  • A type of "Mix and Match"  for cushions so you now have separate back or seat cushions. One color on the seat, and another on the back. Or leave one empty, up to you.
  • If you want to make chairs it will be more immersive, you will need to use a custom crafting-table, and use the plane as well as a few new tools for each part. - Still developing this. 
  • Adding a few new chairs wood variants, bamboo is one I added and its not from Minecraft LIVE its a green and brown variant, but also will add a few other types. - Have only added bamboo so far.
  • Plates will have different "abilities", and models. - I still have a bunch of things I need to fix before I can implement this feature. 
  • Removing the decor blocks (from crearive) where some players used them by mistake instead of plates, the table renders things instead. - Decor blocks will be a different thing then used on tables.
  • I will add a few different things for people that still want decor blocks that will be more simple to use. - Just now when typing the text I thought of adding a few things.
  • A bunch of new items are coming in the update, as well as changing nearly every block and item with new or removed features. - The loom is the part that takes the longest to sort.

I am still adding things to the mod, as well as updating some of my other mods I have. That's why the update is taken a long time. But when I finally release it I think most will find the changes much better.

The source code for the mod will never be public, so please don't post it if you have made changes. If you enjoy my mod and wish me to add something, just post a comment and I can see if I can find the time to add it, 

Hope you enjoy this mod! Feel free to post a video about it and post it in the comments!
Do put TableChair in modpacks and get others to put their butts on something better than a slab, I love to see them butts on "tablechairs - chairs"!

Or join my discord