


TCrafting requires Inventory TabsFabric Loader, and the Fabric API

This mod needs to be installed on both the client and the server.

What Is This

TCrafting adds Terraria-style crafting to Minecraft (see below).


The new crafting screen can be accessed by either opening the inventory and pressing the new tab OR by pressing the "Open Crafting Screen" key bind (defaults to R). In the crafting screen are two scrollable views: a crafting view and a usage view. The crafting view shows you what you can craft given what is in your inventory and what crafting interfaces are nearby. For example, standing near a crafting table with 2 sticks and 3 diamonds will show the diamond pickaxe. As the player crafts more items, new recipes may appear and other existing recipes may be marked out if there are not enough materials. The usage view features a big slot followed by many others. Placing an item in the big slot will show recipes that use it in the below slots. Hovering over items in both views will show the recipe for it.

All vanilla recipes are automatically converted to appear in the new crafting screen, but vanilla crafting is available in case anything goes wrong.

Players are also able to add their own recipes that require an anvil or brewing stand nearby, and developers have access to dynamic recipes. See the GitHub for more information.

More Pics

This mod is in beta, so please report any issues below or on the GItHub repo.