The ruby exchange, currently adds trade blocks, exchange blocks and the ruby. This valuable gem is found underground, with the main use as a currency it can be added to the ruby account of the player using a card. This ruby accounts balance can be viewed with a ruby card or when looking at the exchange block.
The exchange block ( admin exchange block on the left ), allows players to set a price for items they want to sell in rubys in there shops and for customers to exchange there rubys for these items, and the admin exchange block ( creative only ) does this but with an infinite inventory and no owner of the block allowing a general shop to be set up on things like servers.
The trade block ( admin trade block on the left ) allows players to sell items in exchange for a price they set also in items. this allows trading of items without both players needing to be present. The admin trade block is the same but with no inventory and an infinite amount of stock allowing admins to set up item shops on servers.