Crafttweaking gun recipes
Valagraven opened this issue ยท 0 comments
I am able to add new recipes to guns via Crafttweaker, but can't remove the original one. Could you please tell me what do I do wrong in my script?
import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;
import crafttweaker.oredict.IOreDictEntry;
import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient;
recipes.remove(techguns:sawedoff.withTag({ammo: 0 as short, ammovariant: "default", camo: 0 as byte}));
Also tried to add the exact recipe in the script that I'd like to remove but not working for me either:
recipes.removeShaped(techguns:sawedoff.withTag({ammo: 0 as short, ammovariant: "default", camo: 0 as byte}), [[null, null, null],[techguns:itemshared:38, minecraft:flint_and_steel, techguns:itemshared:42], [techguns:itemshared:38, minecraft:flint_and_steel, null]]);
Thank you for the help in advance!