


Is it possible to decrease the damage of all guns against mobs?

Krid3l opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Hello everyone,

I'm using TechGuns along with Tinker's Construct and other metallurgy/melee-weapon related mods. I absolutely love TechGuns, however the gun's damage outputs are a little OP compared to melee weapons, so it discourages me and my friends on my server to use anything else. I tried changing the S:DamageFactorNPC value in the config, but it dosen't seem to change anything. Anyone has an idea?

Thanks in advance.


Excellent! Thank you very much, pWn3d.

Since I'm a bit of a newbie in Java, what am I supposed to do with these two files to make them work in conjunction with TechGuns?

Best regards.


You write a crafttweaker script, you need the crafttweaker mod obviously. Crafttweaker is a mod that allows you to manipulate mincraft recipes and also modded machine recipes and other stuff if the mod allows it. The files I linked are the available methods for techguns gun stat tweaking, armor stats and machine recipes can also be manipulated with crafttweaker


Thanks a lot for these instructions. I'll try that in a couple days and post the results here. Cheers.


Hello again! So, I wrote a little CraftTweaker script with the methods you wrote in the .java files you provided me in your previous messages. However it dosen't seem to work - I think I did something wrong. Am I supposed to drop the two .java files in the "script" folder or do I have to put them somewhere else?

Sorry for bothering you with that, I'm completely new to this. ^u^'

Best regards.