- 6
Survival Playtesting Issues
#385 opened by Prospector - 1
Post-Big (v1.0.0) Release TODO
#386 opened by Prospector - 2
Pre-Big (v1.0.0) Release TODO
#387 opened by Prospector - 0
#388 opened by Prospector - 0
#389 opened by modmuss50 - 2
1.7.10 Iridium Neutron Reflector does not reflects pulses
#390 opened by Dalidul - 0
Crash when using ** with sponge
#398 opened by AKTheKnight - 1
Bunch of things I found when messing around.
#399 opened by AKTheKnight - 4
Texture Issues
#400 opened by Prospector - 7
Recipe Issues
#401 opened by Prospector - 0
Drills don't seem to lose power
#402 opened by Prospector - 0
Advanced drill no faster than diamond drill?
#403 opened by Prospector - 1
Manual issues
#404 opened by AKTheKnight - 0
Manual Issues
#405 opened by Prospector - 0
Rock cutter not silk touching
#406 opened by Prospector - 2
Some kind of sound when igniting nuke
#407 opened by Prospector - 2
Solar panels not turning off when moved
#408 opened by Prospector - 0
Matter Fabricator isnt getting power.
#414 opened by Rushmead - 5
Solar panels being powered with a solar panel above them?
#410 opened by Prospector - 1
Mass fab not producing anything?
#411 opened by Prospector - 1
Vacuum freezer gui
#412 opened by Prospector - 0
Spelling Issues
#413 opened by Prospector - 0
Wrench doesn't rotate machines or break energy storage devices
#416 opened by mystise - 3
Picks take no durability loss when breaking IC2-like energy storage devices
#417 opened by mystise - 4
Generators drop double their internal item storage when broken
#418 opened by mystise - 0
Lava cells don't work in thermal generator
#419 opened by mystise - 4
Lava buckets give 2000mb in thermal generator
#420 opened by mystise - 3
Diesel Generator and Semifluid Generator Missing Gui Texture
#421 opened by mystise - 2
Batteries can't be placed in energy storage devices
#422 opened by mystise - 0
AESU's GUI's buttons are interfering with armor and battery slots
#423 opened by mystise - 6
Energy transfer doesn't work without cables, so without MCMP energy can't be used
#424 opened by mystise - 0
Putting fluid bucket in a quantum tank causes crash
#425 opened by mystise - 0
Uninsulated Copper and uninsulated Tin cables look exactly the same
#426 opened by mystise - 0
Using higher tier cables with low tier sources and sinks causes explosions
#427 opened by mystise - 2
MFE and MFSU drop themselves when broken with a pick rather than a machine block
#428 opened by mystise - 0
Some machines drop strange blocks when broken with a pick
#429 opened by mystise - 1
Some items lack textures/models, showing the missing texture icon.
#430 opened by mystise - 0
Some centrifuge and electrolyzer recipes use beryllium cells rather than empty cells
#433 opened by mystise - 3
Centrifuging all wood types returns advanced circuit parts and saplings
#434 opened by mystise - 4
Higher tier machine casings drop standard machine casings when broken with a pick
#431 opened by mystise - 0
Advanced machine blocks drop aluminum machine hulls when broken with a pick
#432 opened by mystise - 4
Energy storage blocks do not output energy
#435 opened by lanAnderson - 0
Add tooltips for the names we changed
#436 opened by Prospector - 1
techreborn plates not craftable in survival with ic2 classic since there's no forge hammer
#392 opened by escman1999 - 6
MineTweaker Rolling Machine support
#393 opened by FilipK-CZ - 11
almost no textures at all
#439 opened by Sailren - 2
#440 opened by Sailren - 32
there also seems to be something wrong with the boxes
#441 opened by Sailren - 0
Energy and Lapotron crystals do not store energy
#442 opened by Prospector - 0
Crash when inserting non-powered items into MFSU with hopper
#443 opened by Prospector