- 2
Nuclear reactor?
#800 opened by Ananka59 - 1
[1.10.2] Crash with Industrial Centrifuge
#801 opened by FnordMan - 5
Industrial Grinder doesnt need the standard and reinforced blocks anymore?
#802 opened by jadeonking - 2
Generating Ores in other dimensions
#803 opened by davqvist - 6
assembling machine not showing inventory
#804 opened by wolfe02 - 1
bad registered ruby, sapphire and peridot block
#805 opened by 0Navis0 - 3
a few issues with 1.10 latest version techreborn you asked me to put up here
#806 opened by knubbis93 - 1
Industrial Centrifuge: crash when clicking "recipe" in centrifuge gui.
#808 opened by demethan - 2
Looping NPE in Centrifuge with newest release
#809 opened by utoc - 3
OOR Exception on trying to open Recipes from a TechReborn Block
#810 opened by sayore - 12
[1.10.2] Possible Incompatibility with Pipes (EnderIO/Mekanism)
#811 opened by sayore - 1
Prevent Alloy Furnace from allowing the same item in both slots
#813 opened by brad18 - 4
Rolling Machine not receiving power.
#814 opened by ousmeister - 2
Crash when extracting item from Electric Alloy Furnace
#816 opened by brad18 - 5
[1.11] Crash on launch
#823 opened by vrork - 7
Localisation issue with The One Probe (1.11 - v2.0.0.29)
#824 opened by Boomflex - 0
1.11 Opening the grinder's GUI when an item is finishing smelting produces a divide by zero crash
#825 opened by CorwinJV - 1
When you have more than 1 copper cable in hand, placing 1 cable gets rid of the stack. (1.11 - v2.0.0.29)
#826 opened by Boomflex - 1
GUI visual bug on BatBox (1.11 - v2.0.0.29)
#827 opened by Boomflex - 1
Achievements not working in 1.11 (v2.0.0.29)
#828 opened by Boomflex - 2
[1.10.2] Missing textures
#817 opened by SimonMeskens - 3
[1.10.2] Missing recipes
#818 opened by SimonMeskens - 0
[1.10.2] Steel Drill recipe produces Diamond Drill
#819 opened by SimonMeskens - 1
[1.10.2] Cells are loaded for non-existant materials
#820 opened by SimonMeskens - 10
[1.11] branch build success, server success, but client fails with NoSuchMethodError
#821 opened by beckdac - 4
Matter Fabricator non-functional
#822 opened by brad18 - 1
Server Crash - net/minecraft/client/entity/EntityPlayerSP
#829 opened by whatthedrunk - 1
versions 1.11-forge1.11- TechReborn-1.11-
#830 opened by oldestilluminat - 0
[1.10.2] Lithium batteries will continue to fill battery box when empty
#835 opened by MechWarrior99 - 3
Red Garnet not found? (v.1.11-
#836 opened by Boomflex - 2
Generators are broken.
#838 opened by modmuss50 - 2
HWYLA Energy Caps Receiving NPE
#839 opened by ChloeDawn - 1
Watermill missing texture
#841 opened by Ourten - 3
Config Missing Some Formatting
#840 opened by ChloeDawn - 2
Semifluid generator missing texture
#842 opened by Ourten - 3
Fluids generators invalid fluid display
#843 opened by Ourten - 4
[1.10.2] Energy system explosions
#845 opened by lynxx131 - 0
Solar Panel Missing Texture (1.11 - v2.0.5.63)
#846 opened by Boomflex - 3
Multiple bugs with 1.11
#832 opened by Ourten - 0
Look at multiblock in 1.10
#833 opened by modmuss50 - 1
[1.11] Cannot mine Ruby Ore
#856 opened by MoonCutter2B - 5
[1.11] Exception ticking world
#847 opened by codenamedonut - 1
[1.11] Wrong FE amounts displayed with large amounts of FE in BatBoxes
#848 opened by CorwinJV - 5
[1.10.2] Hopper below Industrial Grinder crash
#849 opened by jacfalcon0 - 2
[1.11] TechReborn / Forge version 2188 - gem redGarnet could not be found
#850 opened by shortybsd - 5
A lot of issues and questions
#851 opened by davqvist - 3
[1.11] Error Handling Needed to avoid Crash: java.security.InvalidParameterException: The gem redGarnet could not be found.
#852 opened by securitycopper - 4
[1.11] TechReborn-1.11- redGarnet not found, still not fixed from last version
#855 opened by shortybsd - 3
[1.11] TechReborn Gems not oreDict for usage on Mystical Agriculture.
#853 opened by Boomflex - 3
[1.11] Crash on load (fluid chlorine not found)
#854 opened by StarrDraws