- 2
More machine bugs v2(continuation of original minus the fixed/irrelevant stuff {issue no.713})
#748 opened by the-creamster - 0
More machine bugs v2(continuation of original minus the fixed/irrelevant stuff {issue no.713})
#747 opened by the-creamster - 1
invisible machineblocks glitch/bug
#749 opened by RakDuhl - 1
- 2
Server Crash - Mek windmilll charging a chainsaw.
#754 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
Breaking an AESU with a pickaxe and placing the resulting machine block crashes client, also applies to MFE, MFSU, HV/MV Transformer, IDSU, LESU
#751 opened by modmuss50 - 0
Jackhammer does not "work" on diorite etc...
#752 opened by modmuss50 - 0
UU Matter creates multiple items with broken textures and no use, e.g. almandine dust
#753 opened by modmuss50 - 1
version crash on server
#758 opened by bloodyraoul - 1
incorrect block drops when broken with incorrect tool
#759 opened by LeChuckXIV - 2
quantum chest does not show total items stored
#760 opened by LeChuckXIV - 0
LESU does not show power stored in gui even though it is full
#761 opened by LeChuckXIV - 1
semifluid generator does not accept fuel
#762 opened by LeChuckXIV - 1
Diesel Generator does not accept fuel
#763 opened by LeChuckXIV - 1
power storage blocks do not output rf into ender io conduits
#764 opened by LeChuckXIV - 2
ore generation in the end
#765 opened by LeChuckXIV - 5
IC2 and TechReborn blocks and items duplicated
#766 opened by 0Navis0 - 4
Energy crystal charging bug.
#755 opened by merx3d - 6
HTTP update checking
#756 opened by C0rn3j - 7
TechReborn Version 2
#770 opened by modmuss50 - 9
Server Performance issues with Techreborn
#771 opened by ProsperCraft - 1
Grinder does not double ore now?
#772 opened by xiaoschannel - 12
Asks for mod dependencies, but the suggestions list is blank.
#773 opened by xChitose - 4
mechanical pipes from mekanism dont connect to thermal generator
#767 opened by modmuss50 - 1
Implosion Compressor Not Recognizing Structure
#768 opened by darklordwonton - 2
Machines taking more energy than they should?
#769 opened by wagon153 - 1
Thermal generator does not change to active state
#775 opened by Prospector - 5
Silver Ore & Lead Ore OR Galena Ore?
#776 opened by Prospector - 2
Spam in the FML log about missing recipes and models
#774 opened by DatrixTHLK - 1
TR's MFE + MFSU eu storage values currently match IC2exp Values not original values
#777 opened by LuigiHutch - 9
Wrench and generator
#779 opened by Theedoctor10 - 2
Industrial Blast Furnace is not craftable
#780 opened by DreiPixel - 0
Rubber Sapling Growth Requirement Change Suggestion
#782 opened by Sentrus - 3
Rolling machine is broken
#783 opened by DreiPixel - 2
Config for EndOres keeps reseting
#778 opened by MCEventHorizon - 6
[Suggestion] Treetap should consider IC2 rubber spots valid
#786 opened by hron84 - 5
possible problem?
#788 opened by Alienfreak10 - 9
Unify ids
#784 opened by Prospector - 2
Quantum Chest not working
#785 opened by brad18 - 0
generator eats bucket
#789 opened by DnTheMn - 0
Crash while scrolling through recipes in JEI.
#791 opened by Zarepheth - 4
TechReborn 1.10.2 latest version (iridium and industrial blast furnace)
#792 opened by g3niusss - 1
Bug [1.10.2]: ores being added to ores.hjson
#790 opened by darklordwonton - 1
Extractor and Grinder GUI has no player inventory
#793 opened by Professorvennie - 16
bug with ore config file
#794 opened by 0Navis0 - 3
liquid ruby, sapphire and peridot for Tinker's Construct
#795 opened by 0Navis0 - 1
No ore generation
#796 opened by Ananka59 - 4
Crash on startup
#797 opened by Y0ungSandwich - 10
Bauxite ore incompatible with other mods
#798 opened by GeorgeDeac - 2
Recipe Conflict - Super Circuit Maker
#799 opened by Peach774