- 2
[1.7.10] Black Machine GUI
#1126 opened by CrossVas - 5
No Rubber Trees in Overworld?
#1134 opened by InterPlay02 - 2
Chrome and Titanium
#1136 opened by bonnedav - 0
[1.11.2] Lightning rod only outputting to the front side
#1131 opened by Skillotic0703 - 0
[1.11.2] Lightning rod outputting wrong voltage
#1132 opened by Skillotic0703 - 1
[1.11.2] Crash near Blast Furnace
#1133 opened by TheLimePixel - 2
[1.10.2] Game crashes when opening GUI
#1140 opened by Stetoskop - 2
Issue when used with chisels and bits
#1141 opened by kamanabc123 - 3
TechReborn and IC2 not compatible?
#1142 opened by E4002X3102 - 1
[1.12] Quantum chest weird behaviour
#1138 opened by Skillotic0703 - 11
"Basic Machine Frame" recipe produces 12 "HV Cables"
#1143 opened by Krowerom - 3
missing recipes?
#1144 opened by Tkdmaster - 5
Missing Lang on JEI
#1148 opened - 0
[1.12] No Damage to entities?
#1150 opened by Terpo - 1
[1.10.2] RFTools storage scanner interaction with TechReborn inventories
#1151 opened by GreatestFool - 6
Cannot Find Rubber Trees
#1152 opened by mgwerner - 3
Adding Custom fuel sources to different generators
#1153 opened by myd01 - 1
[1.12] Industrial Grinder bugs
#1155 opened by Skillotic0703 - 3
[1.12] Overclocker upgrade weird behaviour
#1156 opened by Skillotic0703 - 3
[1.12] Shift-clicking is weird on TR GUIs
#1157 opened by Skillotic0703 - 1
[1.12] Overclocker in recycler
#1158 opened by Skillotic0703 - 2
[1.12] Chemical reactor crash
#1159 opened by Skillotic0703 - 0
[1.12] Upgrade slots in innapropriate devices
#1160 opened by Skillotic0703 - 2
1.12 RFTools Control/TechReborn Crash
#1161 opened by Razorfin8 - 9
[1.12] RetroGen seems to not working
#1162 opened by ExDomino - 5
[Suggestion] Adding sound to machines (ex.: Electric Furnace)
#1163 opened by ExDomino - 2
[1.12] Oil fails to render a texture in the world
#1164 opened by Boomflex - 2
(suggestion) wrench pick
#1165 opened by kohlth - 1
[1.12] Hopper + Iron Furnace pulls from fuel slot
#1166 opened by xbony2 - 2
Vacuum Freezer
#1167 opened by ddthejj - 3
[1.12 - v2.6.1.124] World gen oil has no texture
#1168 opened by VallenFrostweaver - 2
1.12 - Mining ore too fast
#1169 opened by ExDomino - 15
1.12 - In multiplayer, IRON furnaces don't turn red when smelting
#1170 opened by ExDomino - 2
[1.12] Ore Dictionary registration is all over the place
#1171 opened by ChloeDawn - 0
[Suggestion] Add "easy" config
#1172 opened by ExDomino - 5
[1.10.2] Windmills drop a machine block despite needing only 1/2 of a machine block to craft
#1154 opened by dmarcuse - 4
Exception Loading model for variant "xyz"
#1184 opened by Zerys - 4
1.12 : Machines are disconnected from network when chunks are unloaded
#1173 opened by ExDomino - 1
rolling machine recipes missing
#1174 opened by Willy347 - 2
compatibility issue 1.12
#1175 opened by Willy347 - 3
1.12 - Water mill produces too many energy (config files don't accept float value for energy)
#1176 opened by ExDomino - 1
[1.12] Server Crash - placing a hopper under an unformed sawmill.
#1177 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
[1.12] Breaking a glass fiber cable with a pick gives a cobber cable.
#1179 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
[1.12] Breaking a glass fiber cable with your hand gives nothing.
#1178 opened by ProsperCraft - 1
[1.12] Using any logs gives oak wood planks in the sawmill.
#1180 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
Crash on Server
#1181 opened - 3
[1.12] Client kicked when looking at the sawmill interface.
#1182 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
[1.12] Recipe showing missing ingots?
#1183 opened by Boomflex - 3
Crash with Buildcraft 7.99.5
#1185 opened by MonzterAssassin - 16
Oil texture bug on (1.12)
#1186 opened by ImAK9