- 0
Blast Furnace accepts only AIR in the center but not lava
#1800 opened by drcrazy - 1
Sync issue with powered items
#1801 opened by drcrazy - 0
The Iron Alloy Furnace is Still Using the Old GUI Textures for the Interface
#1802 opened by Astraliccc - 0
Some items name still don't show correctly.
#1796 opened by Chuwar - 0
AutoCraftingTable crash
#1797 opened by blasksun - 8
When with Tech Reborn GAme wont open and I didnt understand whats what. using 1.14.4. Fabric. and Latest Tech Reborn
#1798 opened by Ceyes00 - 13
Launch crash
#1799 opened by Eliasduden14 - 0
[1.12.2] Crash on startup with RailCraft installed
#1807 opened by tomdodd4598 - 1
[1.12.2] crashes on startup (problem with compatibility)
#1808 opened by joinmod - 1
Game Crashes On start *fabric*
#1809 opened by Aftathott - 0
Electric furnace does not update output
#1803 opened by SFort - 0
Bounding box for glass fiber cable
#1804 opened by drcrazy - 0
Industrial Electrolyzer produce empty cells as output
#1805 opened by drcrazy - 0
The Industrial Chunkloader is Still Using the Old GUI Textures for the Interface
#1806 opened by Astraliccc - 1
No recipe for bronze dust.
#1811 opened by Merisdarkmon - 3
[1.14.4] Wrong fluid in plasma generator, crash on load save
#1812 opened by mlengka93 - 1
Crash on Startup
#1813 opened by thatguyontv - 1
[1.14.4 Fabric] Bug and crash with wrench
#1814 opened by LukkyM4n - 1
Long range weapon, high-tech armor and nuclear energy
#1815 opened by LukkyM4n - 0
[1.14.4]Nanosaber doesn't have extra damage when active
#1816 opened by LegendLZD - 1
TR furnaces do not yield experience
#1817 opened by Gitcurt777 - 1
[1.14.4] Inventory Bug
#1818 opened by Gitcurt777 - 0
slotConfiguration cannot be null FATAL on IndustrialGrinder
#1810 opened by drcrazy - 2
Solid Canning Machine. How to use?
#1819 opened by Gitcurt777 - 1
[1.14.4]Energy Overload? Graphic bug.
#1820 opened by Gitcurt777 - 2
[TechReborn-1.12.2-] Peridot Tools & Armor Recipe BUG
#1821 opened by jimmytrouser - 0
inserting a fully charged laprotoron pack into a interdim(1.14.4 fabric)
#1822 opened by SDUBZ - 4
[19w34a]Rolling machine not working
#1824 opened by RealCorebb - 2
Crash on 19w35a
#1825 opened by RealCorebb - 0
Fluid.subtractAmount should set the fluid to empty when there is no fluid in there
#1826 opened by modmuss50 - 0
[1.14.4] Rolling maching stops working if shift-clicked while working.
#1827 opened by Gitcurt777 - 3
[1.14.4] Error while loading some recipes.
#1828 opened by cyb3rm4n - 3
[1.14.4]Compatibility issue with Cosmetic Armor.
#1823 opened by Gitcurt777 - 0
Follow semver in TechReborn and RebornCore and then include RebornCore in the jar
#1831 opened by natanfudge - 2
[1.14.4] Power lighting is not functional
#1833 opened by erindal - 2
[TechReborn-1.12.2-] semi_fluid_generator soft crashes client
#1832 opened by robbob4 - 0
[1.12.2] Solar Panel translation is broken
#1834 opened by coderbot16 - 1
TechReborn-1.12.2- - CraftTweaker recipe now Fails
#1838 opened by AbieTheFishman - 0
Client unable to join server(1.14.4-fabric-165)Registry remapping failed! java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException
#1836 opened by SDUBZ - 0
[1.12.2] Chemical Reactor not working
#1841 opened by Najaran - 1
The grinder does not grind diamond ore [1.14.4]
#1842 opened by LukkyM4n - 5
[1.14.4] Fluid container textures are bugged with Optifine
#1839 opened by erindal - 2
[1.14.4] Lithium batteries use empty cells in their recipe
#1840 opened by erindal - 2
[1.14.4] Add Storage Blocks to the Cotton Resources tags
#1843 opened by MarioAndWeegee3 - 1
[Fabric, 1.14.4] Electric furnace doesn't allow input filtering
#1844 opened by rapus95 - 6
[1.14.4] Titanium Ingot
#1845 opened by LukkyM4n - 2
[1.12.2] Unable to open Iron Alloy Furnace since > update
#1846 opened by WolfBV - 1
Pump not craftable?
#1847 opened by Sixdd6 - 1
Tech Reborn and Reborn Core will not when Minecraft Fabric profile launches
#1848 opened by Pseudonomenclature - 0