Teleportation Stones by EspressoBug

Teleportation Stones by EspressoBug


1.1.2 Update

Fixed an issue with the teleportation staff not functioning quite right

replaced the textures with newer and hopefully better textures

1.1 Update

Fixed an issue of stones teleporting player to random spot if they had not yet marked a spot to be sent back to.

Added a teleportation wand which works no matter the realm the player is in.

Planned future releases:

better quality textures. I need some practice.

more wands and stones that have different uses.

A version for Fabric.


Curios add-ons.


An add-on for Blue Skies.

An add-on for the Aether.


There are 3 teleportation stones. One for the Over-world, Nether, and End. Each stone is tied to its respective realm and will only function there.

Right click to set recall point. Left click to return to the point you set.

Tell me what you think. I made this mod for myself, but thought someone else might like it too.