TerraFirmaGregTech - Ores

TerraFirmaGregTech - Ores


This mod is an addon for TerraFirmaCraft and GregTechCEu Modern. This mod adds 36 new ores for GregTech in TerraFrimaCraft world.

Each ore can only be found in a certain layer of rock. These ores have TFC-style textures for poor, normal or rich types blocks.

This ores and TFC ores also can be processed by a macerator. Instead of 1 block, to use a mecerator you have to obtain certain amount of small, poor, normal or rich ore pieces.

You can process 3 normal ore (or 5 poor, or 2 rich ) pieces into 1 crushed ore.

How to run the mod?

To run this mod you have to

  1. Generate resources by using TFC's original python generator (folder tfg_ores\resources)
  2. Change paths sourceFolder and destinationFolder in const.kt for your system (folder tfg_ores\extras).
  3. Run TerraFirmaGreg-Ores's resources processor in main.kt (folder tfg_ores\extras)
  4. Now you can runClient from Gradle's tasks.