Terrestria Reforged

Terrestria Reforged


[1.18.2] Frame drops in Hemlock Forest, incompatibility with Immersive Weathering

Reshy opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Description of the Bug
Frame drops in the Hemlock forest, in addition they don't seem to be having their transparency set correctly.

To Reproduce

  1. Use the common performance boosting mods and Immersive Weathering
  2. Enable Alt+F3
  3. Go to a hemlock forest.
  4. Notice the frame drops.

Expected behavior
Frame drops shouldn't be happening.

Screenshots & Video
2023-07-15_08 02 49
2023-07-15_08 03 09
2023-07-15_08 05 12

Logs & Environment

  • Full log: Too Large, error prints for every individual leaf block.

Also happens with redwood leaves:

2023-07-15_08 15 18

Pausing the game seems to remove the FPS lag, there doesn't seem to be any tick-lag. The lag only happens when up close to the leaves, from far away the frame rate is stable:
2023-07-15_08 16 37


ok so just tested, it happens with the original fabric version as well, however I don't think this is an issue on terrestria fabric side either, I think this is entirely an immersive weathering issue


ok turns out there were already issue reported: TerraformersMC#279


It might be, though no other biome adding mod has this issue, not even Traverse or Cinderscapes. I'm guessing it's related to the "falling leaves" effect not working right with the leaf blocks here, and something is causing them to be solid blocks instead of transparent.


Yah i already know the cause, immersive weathering logs every tick if the leaf found is not an instance of LeafBlock, which terrestria's are not, which causes the lag. Quite stupid piece of code imo, not even sure why that check is needed