- 1
Grass in tropical islands don't show dirt texture
#4 opened by Deadlydiamond98 - 9
[Mod Compat] Visual error with Caves and Cliff Backport
#5 opened by Cixon - 6
when i use this it can crash my loading of the game
#6 opened by EeriShimi - 6
- 2
Terrestria Reforged Causes Other Biomes to Not Generate
#8 opened by PhweeDev - 1
- 15
Crash after loading world, sometimes before. 1.18.2
#11 opened by Lozf - 4
1.18.2-4.0.7 Mod does not appear to function at all
#12 opened by Gronglegrowth - 5
[1.18.2] Frame drops in Hemlock Forest, incompatibility with Immersive Weathering
#13 opened by Reshy - 0
[1.19.2] Cannot strip logs/wood
#15 opened by Reshy - 3
Update to 1.20.x?
#16 opened by Processhf - 0
Todo: figure out what stuff in things like Features and such are private in mcp/srg but public in yarn
#1 opened by Trinsdar - 0
Todo: fix and pr upstream #246
#2 opened by Trinsdar - 0
terraforged structure issue
#3 opened by Trinsdar