


This is my very first mod and it adds "Texas" as a biome within your world. This mod was made with MCreator and I didn't do any coding myself on account of the fact that I can't code very much. Anyhow, due to the previously mentioned fact, there were some limitations to my mod elements. One such limitation is that to do custom textures, I had to make a separate texture pack. So this download is for the mod. The texture pack should come along later. 

Let's get to the meat of the description.

Added Mobs



The longhorn is very similar to a cow. Exceptions are 1. They can be ridden. 2. The have horns (not that they do anything) 3. They can't breed.  Similarities include: 1. They drop leather upon death   2. They sound exactly the same.   


Blue Lacy Dog The blue lacy dog behaves pretty muchly like a wolf. In every way. They have the texture of a blue lacy though.


Mocking Bird

 The mocking bird is purely for atmosphere. They fly. They sing. And that's about it.


Monarch Buterfly

The monarch butterfly is also purely for atmosphere. They fly. They don't sing though. 



 The armadiller walks around and squeaks.



 The mosquito flies around and makes an annoying buzzing noise. They deal 1 health point in damage.


Guadalupe Bass

 The bass swims around and drops raw fish upon death.


Copperhead Snek

 The copperhead snek peacefully slithers around, but if you bump into one, they will deal 1 health point of damage.


Horned Lizard

They walk. They squeak. That;s it.



 The scorpions sound like spiders and deal 3 health points of damage upon contact. They drop a scorpion stinger. 



 The TexasTony04 can be spawned by placing a summoner. They are an easter egg mob that once spawned, can be ridden like a horse. They are way faster than a horse though. Just make sure they don't fly away.


Changes to existing mobs (only available thru the texture pack)


Zombie, Skeleton, Enderman, Enderdragon, Irongolem, Creeper, Cow, Ghast, and Pillager.


Added items and foods


Hot sauce, Chili, Pecan Pie, DrPepur, Barbecue Sauce, Sweet Tea, Pew, Bowie Knife, Big Pew, 


Added blocks and things like that


Prickly Pear Cactus, Cotton Plant, Pecan Trees, Chilitepin plant, Texas sage, Jalapeno plant, Crape Myrtle, Goathead stickers, Grapefruit plant, corn, bluebonnet, Pecan wood and planks,


Also, type /music   It plays a cool little tune.