TexTrue's Embeddium Options

TexTrue's Embeddium Options



Embeddium has merged RSO in 1.20.1 and above, which means that you don't need to install TEO to use the similar video options screen. (See: #9)

TexTrue's Embeddium Options

Project License Environment: Client

Port of Reese's Sodium Options to work with Embeddium on MinecraftForge/NeoForge.


Building from source


  • Java 17 or above


Navigate to the directory you've cloned this repository and launch a build with Gradle using gradlew build (Windows) or ./gradlew build (macOS/Linux). If you are not using the Gradle wrapper, simply replace gradlew with gradle or the path to it.

The initial setup may take a few minutes. After Gradle has finished building everything, you can find the resulting artifacts in build/libs.


Reese's Sodium Options is license under MIT, a free and open-source license. For more information, please see the license file.