TFC Decor Addon

TFC Decor Addon

Mud Balls

Mud Balls

Mining water adjacent dirt blocks to get mud balls.
Vertical Slabs and Floating Stairs

Vertical Slabs and Floating Stairs

Some of the Vertical Slabs and Floating Stairs Available.
Simple Design

Simple Design

Some simple use cases for blocks from this mod.
Fired vs Unfired Mud Bricks

Fired vs Unfired Mud Bricks

Unfired mud bricks falling during rainy weather due to lack of support.


All window variants.
Mud Bricks

Mud Bricks

All varieties of mud brick with their corresponding normal brick.
Drying Mud Bricks

Drying Mud Bricks

Mud bricks being dried in the sun.
Forge Usability

Forge Usability

Mud Bricks being used to build a forge.