- 0
World compatibility for upgrading from Ichorium Kit
#1 opened by xJon - 2
Missing texture breaking particles for Attractors
#2 opened by xJon - 1
Thaumic Restorer Visual Effect Bug
#3 opened by xJon - 1
Conflict between: thaumisc-3.1.0+ - Alpha - 3, thaumictinkerer-1.12.2-5.4.3-Unofficial, TConstruct-1.12.2-
#4 opened by Fisher148 - 0
Dislocation visual glitch
#6 opened by xJon - 0
Efreet's Flame doesn't work
#7 opened by xJon - 0
Configurable Bedrock Dimension Ores
#12 opened by Handeril - 2
"Dark Oak Upgraded Fence" and "Dark Oak Fence" visually connects to Air when wearing "Leggings of the Burning Mantle"
#15 opened by Lumpous - 3
Selection of the JEI/HEI searchbox is canceled if “Leggings of the burning cloak” is worn in MP
#16 opened by Lumpous - 5
Leaving the emptiness dimension in new generated chunks into overworld results in server crash
#17 opened by Lumpous - 0
Asynchronous packet processing
#21 opened by TheAndrey