The Bone World

The Bone World


this mod is still in development so everything can change in the future

The Bone World is a mod that adds a new dimension with new bosses and new biomes to explore




drops: bison fur / bison meat / bison horn

spawn:plains / badlands / savanna


drops: wing bone / falconix claw

spawn: plains / montains / savanna


drops: rottenscale / rottenteeth / rottenmeat

spawn: swanp


drops: bonebeebones

spawn: bugsforest / bonebeehive


drops: none

spawn: bugsforest / bonebeehive


drops: queensting / bonebeetraveleregg

spawn: bonebeehive


drops: skullessence

spawn: bonecanyon


drops: witherskeletonskull

spawn: boneoutpost



spawn: bonecanyon / boneplains


drops: strangefruit / strangeberry / strangedrink / strangepickaxe / strangeplant / strangestructure / strangestone

spawn: bonecanyon / boneplains / bugsforest

the mod also adds some weapons, armor, decorative blocks, and other stuff. i recommend to use the mod "Just enough Items" for the item recipes