The Cheese Mod

The Cheese Mod


Hello people,

I'm Winnetrie and this is my first mod ever made for minecraft!

Thanks to MrCrayfish i made this Cheese Mod.

So what does it do?

- Added cheese block world generation for the Overworld, the Nether and the End.

- Added cheese food ( cheese, grilled cheese and cheese stew).

- Added cheese tools wich have higher durability than stone, mine faster than diamond but not as fast as gold.

- Added cheese armor ( better than leather).

- Added crafting recipes for cheese tools, armor (like you would craft the others).

- Added crafting recipe for cheese block(shapeless): 3 x milk bucket,  2 x rotten flesh, 1 blaze rod, 2 x egg and 1 sugar.

- Added crafting recipe for cheese stew (shapeless): 3 x cheese, 1 potato, 1 spidereye, 1 mushroom, 1 bowl.

- Added smelting recipe for grilled cheese: Just put the cheese in a furnace.

Enjoy my first mod and feel free to put it in a modpack.

Just link to this page for credits.