The Cold

The Cold


The Cold is an ice-themed mod designed to be played with the tough as nails mod by Glitchfiend

Current features:

1 new dimension with 3 new biomes

1 enemy that spawns in snowy biomes

A new stone-like block
A new material and tool set.

A new potion effect

More in-depth explanations:

The Cold Dimension is currently inaccessible without cheats, but if you're in creative mode you can make a portal frame out of blue ice and ignite it with the "The Cold Portal Igniter"


Slush: Normal terrain except the ground is completely made of powdered snow

Ice flats: mostly flat biome where the ground is made of ice.

Death Ice flats: Like the Ice Flats but it's red and it kills you (inspired by SCP-009)


Permafrost: The replacement for stone in The Cold dimension, can be turned into regular cobblestone by crafting it with a torch.

Death Ice: Like ice but it kills you


Death Ice: If you manage to get your hands on Death Ice shards, you can create weapons and potions that apply the Freezing effect. (The axe can 2-shot iron golems)

Potion effects:

Freezing: Similar to Wither, the Freezing potion effect will drain your health over time, how much health it drains per tick is dependent on it's amplifier.

You can use this mod in modpacks without permission, but please don't claim you made the mod.

Made with Mcreator