SCP-4975, The Cuckoo Clock

SCP-4975, The Cuckoo Clock



The Cuckoo Clock
adds a terrifying new monster. Its history comes from the SCP universe, where it is referred to as SCP-4975, also known as The Cuckoo Clock or Time's Up.

At first, SCP-4975 remains passive, simply observing you from a distance, producing clicking sounds made by the turning of its head. When it enters its second phaseSCP-4975 becomes hostile and will begin to attack. As if that weren’t enough, you may also be cursed with the Curse of the Clock effect. Once this effect is over, you’ll receive the message: "Your time is up." Moments later, SCP-4975 will spawn behind you, ready to strike. If you don't run fast enough, you die. SCP-4975 can even destroy blocks in its way, making escape even harder. If SCP-4975 disappears or dies, it may drop a mysterious book. Be careful when opening it. It could either reset to phase one, or giving you the Curse of the Clock effect. It's your choice.

The Spawn Egg will only work, when the Second Phase is active.
You can activate the Second Phase per gamerule: /gamerule chuckooClockPhase2 true

● A mod made by Zcoper
● Mod created with MCreator!
● Requires Geckolib:
   GeckoLib 1.19.2 Version
   GeckoLib 1.19.4 Version
   GeckoLib 1.20.1 Version

● Visit my Discord Server!

How does this work?

You are all allowed to use this mod in your modpacks!

Config File not inculed.

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