What will you find within the lost world of the deep dark?
An ancient landscape, lost to history. Discover new mythical beings. Explore new biomes. The deeper you go, the darker it gets. This new dimension expands on the current lore of the Deep Dark Biome, adding meaning to the portal found in the center of all the ancient cities.
Currently, the mod is very much in beta. Only the world gen is complete, with all the biomes added.
The biomes are layered properly and have very basic settings. Nothing complex has been added yet
I am working on more mobs, structures, and other features to add to the mod. 1.19 is a bit of a
struggle to work with through world gen, so as 1.19 gets some bugs fixed, the mod should feel
more smooth and get more complex.
There will be a more official way to enter the dimension, but currently you can either use a soul fragment on the portal inside the deep dark biomes or you can do "/execute in deepdarkdim:thedeepdark run tp {your-username} ~ ~ ~".
With adding the jar file, you will also need:
Geckolib 1.19 for Fabric: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/geckolib/files/3827258
Fabric API 1.19: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fabric-api
A current bug with 1.19 occurs when creating a new world. The dimension will not get loaded in,
so you will have to either re-run the server or re-open your save file. Then only will you be able
to enter the Deep Dark Dimension. I am working on a current fix to get this bug out of the way.