The Ender Scrolls - Skyrimcraft

The Ender Scrolls - Skyrimcraft



The Ender Scrolls - Skyrimcraft

This is a MinecraftForge mod which aims to bring the world of Skyrim right to your Minecraft world! With this mod previously left in a state for Minecraft 1.2.5 under my old handle madcrazydrumma, I felt that it was finally about time to bring back this mod.

NB: This mod is currently in a pre-release state and thus, you may encounter some bugs. If this is the case, please feel free to report an issue.


Skyrim's In-Game GUI

This feature brings the Skyrim in-game interface right to your Minecraft client! From the status indicator bars (health, magicka, stamina) to the compass, we try to have it all! In the mod's current state the compass includes the current entity you are attacking, as well as known structures. So far, known structures only include villages and shout walls, among some others but more will be added in later versions!

We also implement a Skyrim options menu, which allows you to access a variety of options. Currently, only the magic interface is available. To access this menu, the default key to press is M, but this can be configured in the controls menu.

Magicka, Spells and Shouts

This feature brings your world a magicka system which allows you to cast spells and shouts found in Skyrim! Both spells and shouts can be selected (once learned) in the magic interface. To access the magic interface, locate the magic option in the Skyrim menu options (by default, pressing the M key). To select any learned spell or shout, press one of the selection keys (displayed in the magic interface) which are also customisable in your control settings. A player's magicka replenishes slowly over time - in future, this will be modified through use of enchantment (fortify magicka), spell (equilibrium) or skills.


First, and probably most important... Dragon Shouts! Currently in this state of the mod, we have implemented Unrelenting Force, Storm Call and Whirlwind Sprint, among several others!. More will be added in future updates!

To obtain shouts, there are shout walls which generate in your world. Simply enter the structure and right click on the words to obtain a shout! In future updates, we plan on implementing a souls-based system, as in Skyrim itself, for which you can obtain shouts when interacting with the wall.

Visit the in-depth Shout pages to learn more!


As well as shouts, we have a spells and magicka system. In the latest version of this mod, we have two spells (fireball and turn undead) and are currently only obtainable via spell books. These spell books have a chance to drop upon slaying evokers or witches, or can be found in many structure chests, such as those in dungeons or strongholds!

Visit the in-depth Spell pages to learn more!


A big part of Skyrim itself is Alchemy. In this mod, we are working on an Alchemy system which enables you to make potions of different kinds using the ingredients you gather on your journey! In the mod's current state, alchemy is a standalone system which just requires an alchemy table and the required ingredients. However, in future updates we plan on implementing a skills-based system to which Alchemy will become a part of.

Visit the in-depth Alchemy pages to learn more!

Blocks and Items

This mod brings a variety of ores, ingots, foods, items and more to the game from Skyrim! To learn more about the mod's blocks and items, how to obtain them and their uses, use one of the following options:




In the mod so far, we bring you several insect varieties such as the Monarch Butterfly and Blue/Orange Dartwings. As well as this, hostile mobs such as Sabre Cats are now able to spawn. We do have Giants and Dragons that can spawn to, however as of v0.2.3 these are currently disabled due to bugs!



A gallery of images from the mod can be found here:


Coming soon...


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use this mod in my modpack?

Go ahead! Just make ensure you abide by the following conditions: 1. You cannot claim that you own the entirety, or any parts, of this mod 2. You must cite the author(s) of this mod 3. You must provide a link back to this page-