The First Aether Dimension

The First Aether Dimension


The First Aether Dimension (Minecraft mod)

(NOTE: NeoForge is going to be the only modloader supported, as of now)

There are a LOT of Aether mods out there.

A scrapped dimension idea became one of the most popoular mods in the Minecraft community. But this mods are user-made, and they're probably not as the real one should be. Well, NOT THIS ONE! I browsed trought Minecraft old versions and I found some original Aether files in the textures, so I recreated them and made... The Real Aether Mod!


As everybody knows, you make the Aether portal using Glowstone. BUT HOW DO YOU IGNITE IT? The original idea wasn't using the Water Bucket, but something different.

Take a crafting table, place three blocks of Glowstone in the third line, put a Flint and Steel in the middle slot of the second line and BOOM! Aether Igniter acquired.

I also added the Super Glowstone Dust, that is obtainable by putting a Glowstone block in the middle slot of the second line. Using the Super Glowstone Dust you can make armour and tools.

There's also the Glowing Carrot! A super food made by putting a carrot and a Glowstone block on a Crafting Table.

This mod hasn't got any dependencies. Thank you for reading this, and of course enjoy!