The Forgotten Dimensions

The Forgotten Dimensions


The Forgotten Dimensions

Is mainly focused as the mod name. in dimensions

Currently the mod have a whole 1 dimension that with the time

more will be added

The mod have a simple damage/defence elemental system added to it. that will come with a dimension focused in each element

Those are the next : Ice,Fire,Electrical,Earth and Water

the "how this system works" comes with an in game guide obtainable in the moment the player is hurted against a mob with any elemental damage

And both Players and mobs can inflict this type of damage.

and there are a lot of weapons to help the players for this

And of course. the strongest elemental weapons come from their respective Dimension

Dimension Trailer

The Permafrost Dimension

The permafrost dimension is a completely Ice themed dimension

High distances between biomes and filled with hostile mobs

And a temperature System for the dimension

which will kill the player if not properly geared with some ice resistance

4 minor bosses awaiting

with 2 main ones 

To acces the dimension you need to find a natural generated portal

Spawns in any biome with low temperatures that are not made from ice blocks

and when far enough from the center of the world (1000 blocks atleast)

.There are 3 different armors which can help to survive the low temperatures

but can't help too much against a blizzard which happens naturally in the dimension.

noticeable for the amount of particles that start appearing


around the center of the world there are a total of 4 temples. which spawns in certain coordinates

these contains altars in the center. which once right clicked with an ice lock (rare drop from all entities inside the dimension)

a minor boss wil spawn. each one will drop a fragment of a bigger item. which works as a summoning item for the 

Ice Champion. the main boss of the dimension


Right at the center of the world. a massive structure is located. with a inside maze that the player must complete.

at the center of the same structure. a cage can be found. which after being right clicked with the summoning item

the Ice Champion will spawn

and as the second mayor boss. the permafrost beast.

will spawn naturally once certain conditions are met.

which are being nearly die from the low temperatures or possesing certain craftable item

This one being the strongest being in the dimension if you manage to awake his fullpower

Currently the next dimension is being worked out.

so do not expect recent updates until the next dimension is in a playable state