- 1
[1.16.5] Suggestion (Biome Dictionary, ToolType)
#4 opened by drakray - 4
Ghouls get stuck on Ferns
#5 opened by Reshy - 1
Graveyard biome overrides the Blindness effect
#6 opened by Reshy - 1
Graveyard resetting config files
#7 opened by Reshy - 2
[Question][1.16.5] How many book is there?
#8 opened by drakray - 2
[1.18.1] Suggestion - GeckoLib Dependency
#10 opened by elder-sign - 3
No Mobs Spawns (The Graveyard 1.1 (FORGE) for 1.18.1)
#17 opened by MrBloodworth - 0
Feature Request: Biome Blacklist
#11 opened by Tyrius1 - 2
graveyards does not generate in a BIOMES O PLENTY world
#12 opened by quakeman00 - 4
4 Large Cemeteries back to back? [1.18.1]
#13 opened by itsdinkd - 3
Abrupt fog effect upon entering graveyard biome
#14 opened by badasselectrician - 4
CurseForge desktop does not install GeckoLib
#15 opened by silentnyte - 4
[Feature Request]: Custom Loot Table Per Structure + Biome Whitelists
#16 opened by Tyrius1 - 1
Custom loot tables for each structure
#18 opened by finallion - 1
Mobs from this pack should be immune to Wither/Wither flowers [Suggestion]
#19 opened by MrBloodworth - 2
Startup Crash 1.18.1 - Forge 39.0.45
#20 opened by HalestormXV - 1
Leftover `System.out.println` causing log spam (1.18)
#21 opened by Mrbysco - 1
Structures spawn cuts through terrain
#22 opened by Krampus69 - 1
Balancing 1.18.1 structure spawns
#23 opened by itsdinkd - 4
Mobs Spawn Outside of Graveyards
#25 opened by MrBloodworth - 6
Crash when I click on the "Create world" button
#24 opened by Finelarme9 - 1
Skeleton creeper explodes in spectator mode
#29 opened by ifound1dollar - 2
Nether lighting issue
#30 opened by Draxterio - 2
Biome Whitelists for Mob Spawning
#31 opened by ninyauwu - 1
Minecraft 1.18.1 - Replace loot chests with custom coffins
#32 opened by DWX12 - 3
Chunk border cuts through all unloaded chunks on a current world.
#33 opened by MithMax - 1
Crash with Voidscape
#35 opened by Darkfiend009 - 1
lang key conflict
#36 opened by Dr-WeiAL - 0
reproduce mod
#37 opened by shiyushui - 8
reproduce mod
#38 opened by shiyushui - 2
V1.19 Game Crashes as soon as it laods
#41 opened by JKaiya - 1
Replace moss in graveyard structures with some alternative block that uses biome foliage colors
#39 opened by Warhand - 1
Crypts that spawn in underwater lakes become flooded
#40 opened by Warhand - 1
Graveyard grass block cannot have a path cut into it
#42 opened by archonsd - 1
As soon as I click, create new world, it crashes
#43 opened by fanrenla - 1
Improve Simplified Chinese translation
#44 opened by VAN-192 - 2
V 1.19 Aternos. My server crashed and won't start anymore!
#45 opened by BeastMaster6989 - 1
1.19.1 version crashes server on startup
#47 opened by complicitsalami - 2
End graves are unreachable
#48 opened by brycen-gh - 6
Phantoms not Hostile
#49 opened by VoidFairy - 2
[1.18.2] Urns hold too much space!
#50 opened by MarioSMB - 5
#51 opened by emilyskemily14 - 3
Cant join servers
#52 opened by ramon5457 - 2
[1.19.2]Unable to stop dedicated server.
#53 opened by DrSigma4164 - 1
Server Spam "Readubg Graveyard Ghouling UUIDs in graveyardGhoulingUUIDMapping.txt."
#54 opened by SrRapero720 - 1
Graveyard 1.18.2 keeps crashing for me
#55 opened by maximal500 - 1
[1.19.2] Dark Iron Blocks cannot be crafted into 9 Dark Iron Ingots
#56 opened by Kitteh6660 - 1
[1.18.2] Sarcophagus are unoptimized as block entities
#57 opened by Reshy - 8
Allow Lich Summon Event to Occur in a Dimension with fixed_time
#58 opened by Darkosto - 5
1.19.2 Command blocks structure generates near spawn
#59 opened by Herobattler