The Hammer Tools Extension and More

The Hammer Tools Extension and More


Have you ever needed to clear an entire area but don't want to take all day about it?

Ever wanted to simply mine a 13x13 area while running through a cave?

Well now is your chance...  This mod offers a variety of Area-Of-Effect tools

Hammers mine most stone blocks, same as a vanilla pickaxe

Excavators mine sand, dirt and gravel, same as a vanilla shovel

Sickles mine most crop types including sugar cane and bamboo. Acts like a vanilla hoe, can also shear animals

Lumber Axes mine whole trees and large mushrooms. Acts like a vanilla axe - WIP, Experimental needs a lot of work still

Paxels are a combination of Pickaxe, Shovel and Axe. Right click to make farmland, strip wood and strip copper blocks. Shift-right click to make a path

AOE Increaser increases the aoe affect of the tool. By default all tools mine up to a 3x3 area
Hold shift to negate the aoe affect
Hold shift and scroll mouse wheel to change aoe size

Miners Delight offers the chance to spawn additional ores when mining stone, netherrack and end stone

Miners Magnet pulls mined blocks straight into the players inventory

Miners Void simply voids any mined blocks. Great for clearing an area of unwanted blocks

Miners Melter automatically smelts mined blocks

Plankerer mined logs drop planks instead