Henderson Mobs

Henderson Mobs


[[Early access!!!]]

Adds the beloved cryptids from the works of Trevor Henderson, which includes the well known Siren-Head!

Corruption blocks will now spawn in your world which can hatch into the following, a Crawler, a Chickenhead, or a Sirenhead.

New Creepers (look nothing like vanilla creepers) will start spawning around the world.

What will the mod become?

My goal is to add at least over 20 mobs based on Trevor Henderson's artwork and to add new dimensions.

Mods that go great with this one:

Bad Mobs: Allows you to remove mobs from the game, you can use this to remove some of the preexisting mobs in minecraft

Hardcore Darkness: Makes your world a lot darker.

Lightweight Blood Mechanics: Adds blood and stuff.

First Aid: Makes taking damage one hell of a nightmare.

If anyone would like to donate .jar models and texture files that match a 32x32 resolution that'd be great.

Made with MCreator.