The Infinity Ocean

The Infinity Ocean



Deep Sea Stone and its variants

Deep Sea Stone and its variants

This stone replacew regular stone in the Infinity Ocean. (Will also be found in the overworld in a future update.)
New Items

New Items

,pearl,sea foam iron ingot,ocean dream diamond,aquamarine
The Infinity Ocean Portal

The Infinity Ocean Portal

made out of Ocean Dream Diamond blocks
ocean dream diamond armor on player

ocean dream diamond armor on player

Conduit Necklace recipe

Conduit Necklace recipe

Pearl Wand Recipe

Pearl Wand Recipe

Inactive Neptunite Recipe

Inactive Neptunite Recipe

made from inactive neptunite shards
Neptunite Leggings Recipe

Neptunite Leggings Recipe

ocean dream diamond tools

ocean dream diamond tools

neptunite armor on player

neptunite armor on player

Neptunite Sword Recipe

Neptunite Sword Recipe

The Conduit Necklace

The Conduit Necklace

Neptunite Helmet Recipe

Neptunite Helmet Recipe

sea foam iron

sea foam iron

sea foam iron armor on player

sea foam iron armor on player

sea foam iron tools

sea foam iron tools

Neptunite Hoe Recipe

Neptunite Hoe Recipe

Neptunite Axe Recipe

Neptunite Axe Recipe

Active and Inactive Neptunite and Neptunite shards

Active and Inactive Neptunite and Neptunite shards

Neptunite Chestplate Recipe

Neptunite Chestplate Recipe

How to activate inactive neptunite shards

How to activate inactive neptunite shards

for now,you just have to smelt them. Is subject to change in future updates.
New Blocks

New Blocks

Sea foam iron,pearl,ocean dream diamond,aquamarine,and neptunite
Pearl wand

Pearl wand

used to activate the portal to the Infinity Ocean
Neptunite Recipe

Neptunite Recipe

made from active neptunite shards
New Ores

New Ores

Sea foam iron,pearl,ocean dream diamond,aquamarine,and neptunite. sea foam iron,aquamarine,and neptunite can only be found in the Infinity Ocean. Pearl can be found anywhere with sand,except in deserts.
Deep Sea Stone stairs,slabs,and walls

Deep Sea Stone stairs,slabs,and walls

Neptunite Pickaxe Recipe

Neptunite Pickaxe Recipe

Neptunite Boots Recipe

Neptunite Boots Recipe

Deep Sea Stone tools

Deep Sea Stone tools

neptunite armor

neptunite armor

How to activate inactive neptunite

How to activate inactive neptunite

for now,you just have to smelt them. Is subject to change in future updates.
neptunite tools

neptunite tools

Ocean Chest

Ocean Chest

Ocean chests can only be found in the infinity ocean,and is now another way to find the heart of the sea,but only if you're lucky. (Ocean chests ,for the time being, are somewhat easy to find,but this may change in future updates.)
sea foam iron armor

sea foam iron armor

ocean dream diamond armor

ocean dream diamond armor