The Key to Infinity

The Key to Infinity


Use this mod if you want to duplicate items late game. This mod adds in a duplication block which allows you to duplicate items. I said late game for a reason - the block costs a lot of valuable resources. It also costs a "duplication powder" for every duplication so it is even less op. If you want the recipes to be even tougher, use craft tweaker.There is also a small crafting tree in this mod. 

2.0 version coming!! (if I can overcome my laziness)

2.0 is a total blank slate of the mod. 2.0 will not be made with MCreator! New assets, blocks, new visions for the mod! I have changed the direction of this mod entirely.

Everything still leads up to the duplicator and duplicating items and blocks. But, there is a lot more balance with the mod - for instance, you need to use resources to duplicate things. (you can't duplicate the resources used to duplicate resources..)

Current version: 1.12.2

Soon-to-be versions (well, hopefully lol): 1.12.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, and 1.16.4

Here is the wiki:


MrCrazyMan109 (MrCrazyMan on YouTube)

Mod maker used for versions 1.2, 1.1, and 1.0 (anything above was not made with MCreator):

MCreator -