- 6
Worker-Mains die; new chunks cease to generate
#420 opened by cincinnatus4502 - 7
No water in cities waterways
#422 opened by BonaireDreams - 2
Bedrock generating at y=0 beneath cities
#421 opened by FynnWaelsing - 2
City Generator settings have no effect on city generation
#423 opened by Virgil6440 - 1
Can't use bed + diamond + skull to get to other dimension.
#424 opened by Chrisjohnson57387 - 0
Rail not powered at ascend/descend when water is behind
#425 opened by bitberlin - 4
Exception in server tick loop crash when starting singleplayer world
#426 opened by cpm9 - 2
Walls in 1.16.5 do not connect
#427 opened by Augusto2103 - 0
Extremely poor performance in World map creation GUI
#428 opened by polski-g - 3
lostcities_bop selectedProfile = "rarecities" generates the same world
#429 opened by frakier - 0 Lost cities custom profiles not showing up.
#430 opened by Damalas75 - 1
1.18.1 - Lost Cities 5.0.4 - Crash when entering dimension [ ServerHangWatchdog detected that a single server tick took 60.00 seconds]
#433 opened by Marc-Harony - 0
[1.18.2] Basements not generating for cities over oceans
#431 opened by BonaireDreams - 5
1.18.1 - Lost Cities 5.0.4 - Crash when entering dimension [ ServerHangWatchdog detected that a single server tick took 60.00 seconds]
#434 opened by Marc-Harony - 2
world generation
#432 opened by AlexShimmer - 1
cant start server. issue with lostcities
#435 opened by PastryG - 0
cityBiomeFactors are being completely ignored
#436 opened by Luxenmatori - 5
#438 opened by Ceroxe-sz - 1
[Authorization application]License this mod to the Chinese version of minecraft
#437 opened by Yexiaowei11 - 6
OK so the level type lost cites doesnt show up for the server i bought
#440 opened by Tom654123 - 0
Leaves and vines generating when they shouldn't. (1.18.2)
#441 opened by oof-hie - 1
glitch when i die
#442 opened by 45Bley - 2
1.18.2 - Crash during feature placement - java.lang.NullPointerException: Null part for null
#443 opened by trienow - 4
forge 1.18.2 tall cities stop the chunks from loading
#446 opened by Pluelagoon - 3
Crash when starting the game
#447 opened by KasaneRuy - 2
Block ID issue 1.18.1
#444 opened by KhaleesiCat87 - 3
World gen crash (1.16.5)
#445 opened by NixityNull - 3
[request] a possible port to fabric at some point?
#448 opened by warior456 - 3
how to disable spawning of cities in nether/end
#449 opened by GeminiMarshdevil - 1
1.18.2 - 5.2.4 - Empty spawners
#450 opened by RolanDecoy - 2
[1.18.2] lostcities-1.18-5.2.5 breaks single player world creation due to datapacks.
#451 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
[1.18.2] Feature request- config option to start in lost cities cavern dim on first load.
#452 opened by ProsperCraft - 1
Walls are not connected properly
#453 opened by Ironnoob73 - 19
[1.18.2] Crash during world pre-generation.
#454 opened by hujle - 4
its saying LostCities (lostcities) encountered an error during the common_setup event phase
#455 opened by Nobody48213 - 6
how do i find the cities?
#456 opened by Nobody48213 - 6
my game keeps crashing trying to load a world
#457 opened by Nobody48213 - 9
No Spawners when using a custom Library.json (1.12.2)
#458 opened by knoxhack - 16
Game freezes and dies
#459 opened by Nodachi216 - 0
Day/Night Cycle stops completly (1.16.5)
#460 opened by Kargan99 - 1
Is it possible to have random generation instead of just a single city profile?
#468 opened by ResqDiver1317 - 1
Not loading on Technic Launcher 1.16
#467 opened by inlanoche - 1
LostCities Encountered an Error during the common_setup event phase
#461 opened by DSMister - 1
Whenever I load up Minecraft it says LostCities had an error during "the common_setup event phase" I tried multiple things but they haven't worked out
#462 opened by coolbeans0902 - 2
Game keeps crashing can't even get it fails to load
#463 opened by LittleMoon96 - 2
Start failed
#464 opened by bBhdshuaib - 0
Just simply too many mob spawners
#465 opened by babacon88 - 2
blocks are perceived by the world incorrectly
#466 opened by SupremeLOLKA - 3
Crashes when creating a new world with The Lost Cities generation enabled (1.18.2)
#469 opened by Nevrai - 1
How can I use a profile in world generation with BoP generator?
#470 opened by Tyrannuscrafter