The Narrow Gate

The Narrow Gate


Go in through the narrow gate, because the gate to hell is wide and the road that leads to it is easy, and there are many who travel it. ~ Matthew 7:13

For many unfortunate reasons revolving around the size of the hit-box of a horse, it's not possible to ride one through an open gate. This mod changes that! By leveraging similar concepts that BlayTheNinth uses in "Horse Tweaks" to pass through leaves it is possible to similarly allow horses to pass through the parts of fences that jut out and connect to the gate, so long as the gate is open.

That is what this mod does:

A short video showing a horse entering an open gate in a fence.

It works for all vanilla fences and gates, and works for vanilla gates that are stacked two high. It also works for gates placed together (rather than between fence blocks). It does not, however, function with GoryMoon's Tall Gates (unfortunately).

There is no reason why this should not work with any modded fence or fence gate outside of them implementing their own functionality and not deriving from the vanilla classes. If this is the case, then I have no intention of trying to support them.

Required on both client and server.

Disclaimer: Note that this applies to any Horse-based entity being ridden by a player, but I take no responsibility for splinched steeds or fences inserted unpleasantly into the God-knows-what of the God-knows-whom.

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