The Pure Suffering Mod

The Pure Suffering Mod


Version 1.3.6R is now available!

1.3.6R introduces skybox fixes and code optimizations :)

Thank you all for your support and patience, and I will actively be supporting this mod.

The change log can be found here:

What does the mod do?

The Pure Suffering Mod is a Minecraft invasion mod that intends on making surviving the night scary again!

Invasions will initially spawn every few nights or so, where an endless wave of mobs will spawn until the night is over.

As time goes on in your Minecraft world, invasions will increase in severity and tiers, making vanilla Minecraft look like a piece of cake.


Understandably, these Invasions can become overwhelming, so changes have been made to the mod after its initial test runs:

- Invasions have a chance not to happen after the first 40 days, serving as a stress reliever.

- Invasions have a tier system to determine when they can picked after so many days.

- Invasions will display their severity, tier, etc... when hovering over them in text.

- More experience drops from mobs the more you kill them from an invasion.

- F3 menu will display the total amount of Invasions, and xp multipliers.

- Mobs that cause explosions will no longer destroy blocks unless changed in the config options (That way you can maintain stylish builds without them getting constantly blown up if desired).

- Rare day invasions will increase in difficulty every 60 days instead of 40 days by default.

- Invasions now have mob caps based on the severity of the invasion.

- Only 3 invasions can occur at once unless changed in the config file.


"puresuffering add <list> <primary> <invasionType> <severity>" (Op only)

Adds a new Invasion to the queue, these will occur approximately a day from using.

<list> - Whether the invasion should be added to the day or night list.

<primary> - If this invasion is a primary or secondary invasion.

<invasionType> - Type of Invasion to be added.

<severity> - What level of severity the invasion will be (clamped between 1 and it's max severity).

"puresuffering remove <list> <invasionType>" (Op only)

<list> - Whether the invasion should be removed for the day or night list.

<invasionType> - Type of Invasion to be removed.

"puresuffering clear <list>" (Op only)

Clears a list of it's invasions.

<list> - Which list should be cleared.

"puresuffering query"

Sends a message to the player containing the list of current invasions.


Mutant Beasts Invasion:


New trailer will be for 1.4.0R coming soon!

The trailer for The Pure Suffering Mod 0.1.4A, made by my friend Kaiserdragon217. A bit outdated, but shows off the eclipse invasions with increased mob spawns and explosions turned on.

Whats coming next update?

Release 1.4.0 Plans:

1) Invasion Modifiers to make mobs or the Invasions slightly more dangerous.

2) Super Storm TLC

3) Super Secret Update :>

The Development Problems with 1.3.0R (Removed Features)

1) Changing the Nether's Skybox during an Invasion can cause the colors to glitch, and therefore was disabled for existing Nether Invasions.

2) Trying to make Invasions work better with existing shaders proved troublesome, and therefore skybox features will just have to be disabled in the client config or shader settings tweaked with.

3) Planned Skybox Texture changes broke multi-dimensional support.

4) Changing Fog Density broke fog changes made by other mods.

With more testing, perhaps these features could become working, but for now were omitted.


Q: Can I use this mod for my modpack?

A: Feel free to do so!

Q: The Invasions aren't hard enough or are too much, how can I adjust the difficulty?

A: The common config for the mod allows for the adjusting of most aspects for invasions.

Q: My Shaders are glitching out during Invasions, how can I fix this?

A: Many shaders are not compatible with the custom sky boxes some invasions use, the problems can be fixed by either by using a different shaders, messing around with the settings of your current one, or disabling the rendering features in the client config.

Q: How can I add my own Invasions?

A: Either via a data pack or creating an add-on mod, datapack info can be found here:

Q: Where can I suggest features and report bugs?
