The Rings of Power

The Rings of Power


The Rings of Power Mod is the second addon for LOTR released in 2019. In 2020 it was recoded from scratch and optimized, and in 2022 it was improved in terms of balance. It is one of the two successors of the Valar Item mod (the second successor is the Legendary Item). The focus of this mod was on rings - it adds 20 rings of power to the game, each with special effects. Hummel009 has been involved in development throughout the entire time. In 2022, he ported the mod to new versions of Minecraft: 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.15.2, 1.16.5 and 1.17.1. On all versions, the mod is absolutely identical in functionality and content, only the textures differ.

New content

The mod adds 20 rings of power, which are located in a separate creative tab. As soon as the ring enters the inventory, the will of the ring is imposed on the player. It is impossible to get rid of it until the ring is thrown out of the inventory. Some effects will immediately disappear; some will last up to 10 seconds. When using the ring (right-click on the block), the ring does the will of the player. All rings fulfill the will in the same way - they give the ring bearer increased health and accelerated regeneration for several minutes.


Naria: Fireproof

Nenia: Underwater breathing

Vilia: Jump, Speed

Dwarven Rings: Haste, Night vision

Human Rings: Strength, Night vision

The One Ring: Invisibility, Slowness


Credits: Hummel009 (code, textures).