The Silencer

The Silencer


The Silencer

A simple mod to allow players to block other players or block certain words from their chat.

Blocking players will mute all messages sent by them, including messages from /me. Blocking words will mute all messages containing those words anywhere.



There are multiple benefits; stop tv-show/movie spoilers, stop abuse/harassment, stop harmful language, protect your mental health, and anything else you can think of!


  • /block add player [player] - [player] is a players Mojang username (not display name or nickname)
  • /block add word [word] - will block messages that contain the [word] anywhere inside it
  • /block remove player [player] - remove [player] from blocked players list
  • /block remove word [word] - remove [word] from blocked words list
  • /block get_players - get list of blocked players
  • /block get_words - get list of blocked words
  • /block show_placeholders - toggle to replace messages containing blocked words/players with "Blocked user: [player]" & "Blocked word: [word]", as opposed to receiving nothing at all
  • /block show_me_cmds - toggle to disable ALL messages invoked with /me. 


Ideally, you would install it on both client and server.

It will work on clientside only, but commands will appear red and won't have the tab-to-complete feature.

Alternative to commands

If you don't want to deal with commands, you can instead add/remove words and player names from the JSON directly. This is located in ./config/silence/players.json.

An example of blocking player1, player2, and word1 would look like this: {"players":["player1","player2"],"words":["word1"],"show_placeholder":true,"show_me_messages":true}


This is a hacky solution for my own server, One Piece Factions, and may not be perfect or even functional for every server/setup. I'm not a modder, just a guy who codes and stuff. I hope this helps someone out there, I know I really needed it XD.

One Piece Factions