The Test Mod Experiment Doohickey (TMED)

The Test Mod Experiment Doohickey (TMED)


This mod is mainly my attempt to get comfortable with a 1.10.2 modding environment before moving on to a bigger project.  I'll update this mod as I go, and the items/blocks will closely mirror vanilla most of the time.  When they don't, I'll try to allow my mod to go hand-in-hand with vanilla and other mods as best as possible. 

Feature List:

Recipes are not listed, please use JEI or a similar mod for that purpose. 


The test tool set is somewhat stronger than diamond, but it has slightly less durability overall.  If you boot up Minecraft and start experimenting with it, you may notice that the sword is missing.  That's because the axe is also the sword.  You can right click to switch between axe mode and sword mode when you have the test axe/sword in your hand.  At the moment, it's not advised to have multiple test axes/swords in your inventory since this feature is slightly buggy at the moment. 


The blocks included are mostly decorative, consisting of the test block, test bricks, and test lantern.  Test ore also spawns underground between levels 12 and 48. 


There isn't much to be said here since most, if not all, of the non-tool items added by this mod are crafting components.  I would like to add, however, that as an attempt to be able to easily integrate with multiple mods, this mod implements the ore dictionary for its recipes and registers its items into it as well.