Link Item
Quark has a shift-T command that can link an item to chat, but it cannot be used in JEI ingredient and bookmark overlay. This mod adds a new shortcut (configurable, default shift-/) that can be used in all these cases. The text is also clickable, which will open the inventory (so is JEI) and input the search term for you. You need to set resource id search to "REQUIRE_PREFIX" in order for the search to work.
open JEI command
/the-toolkits jei search_term
This command is used in the implementation of the link-item function. You may find this useless.
print item nbt
This command print nbt of item to chat. You hold the item and run this command, that's it. You need to be OP to use this OP command.
/the-toolkits nbt get
print player attributes
This command prints player attributes like speed. There are two types of attributes (syncable and dirty). I don't know the difference between them, so I just print them all. This command can be useful, e.g. when you want to understand how apotheosis works, since in apotheosis many effects are implemented by injecting new attributes in the player. You need to be OP to use this command.
/the-toolkits attributes get
recipe dump
This is a newly added feature, currently only available in 1.16.5 and will be ported into higher version in the future. Recipes can be categorized by Serializer, whose name is a resource id, like "minecraft:crafting_shaped" or "create:mechanical_crafting". The first part is "namespace", and the second is "path". This command takes parameters based on this concept.
List all namespaces:
/the-toolkits recipe list
List all paths under this namespace:
/the-toolkits recipe ns list
List all recipes id under this ns:path
/the-toolkits recipe ns path list
Randomly print one recipe under this ns:path:
/the-toolkits recipe ns path random
Dump recipes under this category (in the form of json), watch the output to see where the result is stored:
/the-toolkits recipe ns path dump
This command may not work well for all type of recipe and will/need to be improved. Read below for the reason.
Let's talk a bit more about the implementation.
It works mostly on IRecipe
interface so the basic info are dumped by calling various getter function.
For shaped crafting its a bit special. Shaped crafting have a width/height field which is not presented in the IRecipe
interface, and without the height/width you will not able to know how to craft with only the other exported data. So for shaped crafting it takes as a special case and will do a type cast to also export the height and width info. Other recipes kind like create's mechanical crafting seems to inherit from shaped crafting class so will have a height/width too, which is handy and I guess will also benefit some other mods with similar behavior.
For other kind of recipes that needs more fields to "restore" needs to be handled case by case just like the shaped crafting type.
entity inspection command
Wonder what is lagging your world? After you use mods like spark
to have an idea of what contributes the most of the lag, do you want to know the location of them? This command helps you dump every entity's location
of a given entity type (you can use classname, name or registry name). This will be useful if you are the OP of a server and want to inspect where exactly is causing the lag. (recommend to be used with spark or other profiler mods)
/the-toolkits entity summary classname/name/registry_name # have a summary of all the entities count
/the-toolkits entity locations classname/name/registry_name name # dump the locations of them
Similar command exists for block_entity as well, replace entity
with block_entity
and let the suggestion guides you to dump locations of block entities.