- 5
Entities disappear when placed through portals
#367 opened by Sunconure11 - 2
"With Fire It Writes" Advancement not given
#366 opened by Shahelion - 1
Naga anti-cheese can break bedrock
#365 opened by purpleposeidon - 0
Clover Patch
#364 opened by Killer-Demon - 1
(Suggestion) Add cooldown for scepters.
#363 opened by AppDat - 2
Should Deer make mooing sounds?
#362 opened by Drullkus - 1
Entering Twilight Forest Timeout
#361 opened by Dreandor - 2
Ice Bow doesn't slow down mobs
#360 opened by Kevun1 - 3
Twilight Forest bows incompatibility with CoFH Core
#359 opened by Kevun1 - 1
Flattening list
#358 opened by williewillus - 3
[3.4.239] breaking special wood with TNT drops timewood
#357 opened by AugiteSoul - 1
[Suggestion] Change portal creation liquid
#356 opened by Jomik - 1
[1.12] Change portal creation item
#355 opened by Jomik - 1
[1.12.2] Anti Builder causes crash
#354 opened by generic-user-acc - 2
Crash whene a firefly dieds or you kill it
#353 opened by ashly138 - 5
[1.12.2] World Placement after re-entering TF after client being booted
#352 opened by Morpheus1101 - 2
[Feature] Make portals respect world borders.
#351 opened by PurpleIsEverything - 5
[1.12.2] No fireflies in firefly jar
#350 opened - 12
Entering the Twilight Forest causes an instant 'lost connection: timed out'
#349 opened by belathus - 10
#348 opened by fmohican - 1
Naga Invisible After Rejoining World
#347 opened by ChloeDawn - 3
World Type: Twilight Forest
#345 opened by Divineaspect - 8
[1.12.2] SP Hosted LAN Players don't receive advancements correctly
#344 opened by MokahTGS - 0
Arctic Armour Dyeable Tag
#343 opened by Killer-Demon - 0
TF Tree roots may replace important things
#342 opened by Drullkus - 4
- 1
Portal in Naga Arena
#339 opened by MadToilet - 4
Charms and Soulbound enchantments
#338 opened by Caopr - 2
Crash on entering player generated dimensions
#337 opened by Setsuna04 - 6
Aurora block problem
#336 opened by Caopr - 1
Allow trophies to be worn as Curios (on head)
#335 opened by Drullkus - 3
[1.12.2] Crash TPing to a Custom Dimension - Simple Dimensions Compat?
#334 opened by MokahTGS - 2
Cannot dismount the Pinch Beetle
#333 opened by StrommKral - 1
Audio Levels for bosses might need adjusting
#332 opened by AtomicBlom - 0
Make Ore Magnet not move ores with Tile Entities
#331 opened by Drullkus - 0
Make Ore Magnet not check ModID in registry string
#330 opened by Drullkus - 0
Make boss spawners unbreakable
#329 opened by Drullkus - 3
Lack of CTM dependency doesn't crash.
#328 opened by purpleposeidon - 1
1.12.2 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Crash
#327 opened by imrgr - 3
[1.12.2]client crash
#326 opened by yuanjie000 - 0
[latest as of writing] Resource blocks are usable as fuel
#325 opened by AugiteSoul - 4
Add Uncrafting-specific Recipes, as well as being definable by json
#324 opened by Drullkus - 1
Add JEI compat to Uncrafting Table
#323 opened by Drullkus - 2
Add Recipebook stuff to uncrafting table
#322 opened by Drullkus - 3
[1.7.10] Server Tick Loop Exception Crash
#321 opened by Whimsyturtle - 2
Armor Rendering issues
#320 opened by Andromander - 0
Block and Chain still comes out from the right hand if the player is holding it with the left hand.
#319 opened by AppDat - 1
Block and chain can attack the Snow Queen through the ice cloud.
#318 opened by AppDat - 1
Crash Kill 'Stable Ice Core'
#317 opened by Misoss - 2
(Extra Suggestion) Enlarge the detection range of Minoshroom.
#316 opened by AppDat