- 3
Twilight forest portal not spawning
#1239 opened by Thr3e8 - 2
[1.17.1] Entity models to fix
#1238 opened by Andromander - 2
[1.17.1] Lower Goblin Knight perma-crash
#1237 opened by Andromander - 1
[1.17.1] Obtaining certain TF items unlocks several Advancements
#1236 opened by Andromander - 1
portal not working
#1235 opened by Thr3e8 - 3
Optifine warning ignores config option
#1233 opened by Clawthorn - 1
Increased loading times
#1232 opened by Drullkus - 11
Twilight Forest loading screen glitches and game crashes
#1231 opened by PechayClub - 0
Fix Mushgloom BoundingBox
#1230 opened by Drullkus - 1
Uberous Soil Particles when holding Magic Beans
#1229 opened by Drullkus - 0
Ensure all TF Trees check for World's height
#1228 opened by Drullkus - 3
intermittent crashing when exploring TF
#1227 opened by boomsticked - 5
Traveller's Logbook [WIP]. "Filler image" in book.
#1226 opened by Gelebor - 5
Freezing the game after world generation
#1224 opened by Toma400 - 5
Kill the Minoshroom Achievements
#1223 opened by Sukastros - 3
open minecraft versions Lower than or equal to 1.4.7 are all black screen
#1222 opened by MW1Z - 2
TF world generation crashed server (a single server tick took 60.00 seconds)
#1221 opened by Spuckwaffel - 4
crash wen
#1220 opened by chasiopen - 2
Ur-Ghast's Fireball not exploding when hitting other blocks
#1219 opened by pyz9188 - 0
One hit at Winter and Mist wolf does 9 heart damage
#1218 opened by Creepingpasta - 1
Lich floats through floating gravel
#1216 opened by Creepingpasta - 2
German Language Pack Update
#1214 opened by Creepingpasta - 1
Death in Twilight Forest made my TF portal lead to wrong location
#1213 opened by LuciusV - 2
The Hydra has no head and the Naga has no tail.
#1212 opened by Miha573 - 1
The 'Jack and the Beanstalk' Advancement Does Not Complete
#1211 opened by TalisRegis20 - 2
Game crashed when fightwith naga
#1210 opened by Origins-Eternity - 2
Portal is created succesfully but when jumping in doesn't teleport to Twilight forest
#1209 opened by Huntard220 - 0
Staff of life draining bypasses alpha yeti immunity phase
#1208 opened by Direbat - 3
Trees are not spawning under Giant's Clouds
#1207 opened by BurnutsGaming - 1
Aurora slab texture on the top is see trough if a block is placed on top of the Aurora slab
#1206 opened by SenpaiCarryMe - 0
[Suggestion] Piercing Arrows Shoot Through Snow Queen's Ice Cloud
#1205 opened by TalisRegis20 - 2
Player skin hat layer overlaps Yeti head
#1204 opened by WenXin20 - 5
Prevent block placement in restricted areas.
#1203 opened by Eggflames - 2
Biomes Need Rework
#1202 opened by Blunder-G - 1
When in the nether, mobs freeze, can't do or take damage, cannot go back to overworld, and can't open chests until I took this mod out.
#1201 opened by LightVessel777 - 1
1.16.5 server crash
#1200 opened by Daejangnamu - 10
The texture of some items are wrong
#1199 opened by Cunning-Carp - 2
Textures failing to load using the Chlorine mod
#1198 opened by Mopaseo - 2
Portal Missing Localization
#1195 opened by WenXin20 - 2
(Suggestion) Knight Phantoms share a boss bar, totaling their HP
#1194 opened by Inonedn - 2
Structures from other mods keep generating in the dimension
#1193 opened by Kutomi1 - 4
Incorrect Feather Tag
#1192 opened by WenXin20 - 5
Ur Ghast causing server crash
#1191 opened by 0xhayleydev - 0
[1.16.5] peacock feather fan issue
#1190 opened by Daejangnamu - 1
Ender Bow while you ride this bug
#1189 opened by AntonCVM - 2
[issue] Stuck in the forrest
#1188 opened by lavenderdotpet - 2
Twilight Forest Multipart Rendering Solution | implementation to fix invisible parts
#1187 opened by celsiusqc - 0
Arctic armor has wrong repair material
#1186 opened by Kvallion - 6
Twilight Lich is not poping
#1185 opened by DiabolosMan - 2
Naga Courtyard Feature Crash
#1184 opened by firemaster1294