- 0
Troll Cave Placed Under Thornlands
#2197 opened by AriaElidove - 4
Change Giant Block SFXs
#2198 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Block & Chain Does Not Lose Durability
#2199 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Block & Chain Breaks Giant Blocks
#2200 opened by AriaElidove - 2
Differentiate Maze and Magic Maps
#2201 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Separate Minewood Core and Ore Magnet Taglists
#2202 opened by AriaElidove - 1
Timewood Clock Position on Tree of Time
#2203 opened by AriaElidove - 1
Critter Blockstates
#2204 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Giant Obsidian No Collision with Block & Chain w/ Destruction
#2205 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Questless Ram
#2220 opened by Killer-Demon - 0
Enchanted Forest Re-adding Missing Elements
#2221 opened by Killer-Demon - 1
[1.20.4] Hollow Oak generating inside naga courtyard
#2222 opened by Shedao-Shai - 0
Scepters Break
#2223 opened by AriaElidove - 1
Make Hollow Logs Connectable
#2207 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Bring Back Hostile Wolf Breeding
#2208 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Minewood Core Breaks Indestructable Blocks on Growth
#2209 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Jodi Reminder Jar Tweaks
#2210 opened by Killer-Demon - 3
No way to obtain magical saplings using the uncrafting table
#2211 opened by pantsguyapp - 0
[Suggestion] Spooky Forest fog handler should use biome json colours
#2212 opened by Andromander - 0
Candelabra Candle Syncing Delay
#2213 opened by Killer-Demon - 0
Unique Jar Textures for Special Jar Variants
#2214 opened by AriaElidove - 0
More Jar Issues
#2215 opened by AriaElidove - 2
Vangrove Jars
#2216 opened by AriaElidove - 1
Trophy Config Settings
#2217 opened by AriaElidove - 2
Questing Ram Colour Order
#2219 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Goblin Knight Chestpiece Renders Incorrectly
#2218 opened by AriaElidove - 9
Magic Core sounds configuration
#2249 opened by AriaElidove - 1
Encased Fire Jet Issues
#2224 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Fire Jet Invisible Flames
#2225 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Unique Mason Jars Texture Broke
#2226 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Wrought Iron Fence Finials
#2227 opened by AriaElidove - 1
Questing Ram Swirls Banner Pattern Displays Broken Texture + Missing Lang Entry.
#2228 opened by AriaElidove - 2
[Suggestion] Add blacklist & whitelist of items for Uncrafting Table in the config
#2231 opened by YiceLi - 1
Change IDs to match respective names
#2233 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Goblin Knight Spawning Delay
#2234 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Possible porting error with Stalactite generation
#2235 opened by Andromander - 0
Crumble Horn crumbles more blocks than it's durability should supports
#2236 opened by AriaElidove - 0
New Reactor Debris Hitbox Jank
#2250 opened by AriaElidove - 1
Make Castle Doors and Reappearing Blocks "Solid" while vanished
#2251 opened by AriaElidove - 1
Trophy Visual Adjustments
#2252 opened by Killer-Demon - 1
The old textures of the minotaur's axes are being used
#2238 opened by LioxAcc - 3
Phantom Knights lost their shield
#2239 opened by AriaElidove - 1
Enabling automatically entering the Twilight Forest on a void flat world send the player down to the Void.
#2240 opened by pantsguyapp - 1
Placing TF leaves on a chest prevent it from opening
#2242 opened by pantsguyapp - 3
[Suggestion] Sleeping in the TF should change time to day
#2243 opened by pantsguyapp - 1
Sleeping in the TF doesn't dissipate rain
#2244 opened by pantsguyapp - 0
Skull Candle no longer equip on right click usage
#2245 opened by AriaElidove - 0
Skull Candle Dispensor Usage
#2246 opened by AriaElidove - 2
Skull Candle Dispensor pt 2
#2247 opened by AriaElidove - 2
Rendering Crash
#2248 opened by AriaElidove