The Ultimate Rings - this is a new mod for Minecraft that adds magic rings to the game. The rings have different effects and levels, to obtain which you will have to go on a long journey, where you will have to look for magical ores.
Recommended additions:
It is recommended to use the Just Enough Items(JEI) mod to view crafting recipes for items.
Effects and Levels
Rings differ in effects and their level. To find out what effect a ring has, you need to look at the gemstone that is on the top of the ring. To know the effect level, pay attention to the main ring. Depending on the colors of these elements, the ring will give different effects.
Main part of the ring:
Green - 1 level
Blue - 2 level
Purple - 3 level
Red - Strength
Green - Speed
At the moment, the mod adds two ores: orange sapphire and amethyst. Both ores are used in crafting magic items needed to create rings.
Amethyst is an ore that appears in the overworld and appears from 0 to 30 heights. On average, 24 amethyst ores appear per chunk (cube 16*16*30).
Orange Sapphire is an ore that appears in the nether world and appears from heights 0 to 30. On average, 18 ores appear per chunk (cube 16*16*30).